Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Winning Entry : Hada Labo - EH

Rezeki kecil2 di bulan June, lama btol tak menang apa2 ni contest online jer..Alhamdulillah segala yg dpt disyukuri itu yg lebih baik kan....semoga ade rezeki rezeki yg manis di masa depan.dah lama btul tak join contest montest nih hihi..menang atas nama diri sendiri.amin..sekadar kenangan di masa depan..

Friday, June 13, 2014

Mama besday @ le Wondermama,Bangsar

Fuhhh berabuk sunggohlah...nak wat camner kan bz bee lah sgt...adoii..tapi nk coretkan jugak kenangan ni dlm blog ai nih huhu...bukan slalu pon dpt gi makan kat Wondermama...dapnyaa...terliur tgk gambar2 nih..meh nak banjer tgk gambar eh..Sempena ulangtahun kelahiran mama yg ke 59 tahun aku dan adik mengambil kesempatan utk selebrate besday mama.

Ni pon last minute nasib baik jadik..Kami sekeluarga doakan mama sentiasa sihat sejahtera,semoga berpeluang menunaikan fardhu haji as soon as possible Inshaa Allah bersama abah tersayang.Di ketika mereka berdua masih sihat ni biarlah mereka mencipta kenangan2  yg manis sehingga hujung u mama..u mean the world to us..(teringat kenangan sewaktu kecil berebut2 nak belikan hadiah utk mama walaupon nilainya tidak seberapa..tapi the thoughts that matters kan huhu)

Review utk makanan : Awesome sgt sedap saya kasik 5 bintang ...terliurrrr
Review utk tempat : Cozy,relaxing sesuai untuk yg nak bwk family


Carbonara apa nama pon terlupa haih..

Fried rice apa tah tajuk dier

Nasik goreng jugaks..terlupa..


Tiramisu cake

Monday, April 21, 2014

Kitchen Cabinet @ PS2

Jatuh cinta berkali2 dengan kitchen kabinet sendiri...hahaha poyos giler kan..but that's the truth...aku asik tgk jer gambor kc nih mcmkan jatuh cinta dengan boyfie kiter..
Seperti yg aku imagine this is almost as my husband punya kc drawing yg dia idamkan.Alhamdulillah
Senyum sumbing...senyum kambing..jgn rejam ngan lembing ehehe..Okay2 aku kasik price kitchen kabinet sahaja dulu kay.
Kitchen Kabinet (set dgn tiles counter top) : RM6800 
(without 3G black door & black tiles kat suis tu)
Harga KC slps nego : RM7800 (mcm pricey jugaks kan..ntah tak baper sure sgt)
Kitchen hood,hob & built in oven brand Rubine : RM2400 (murahkan berbaloii2)
1 and half bowl sink : RM1000 plus2 tak ingat 
Sink tap : tak sure maybe tak lebih dr RM200 (sila google eh)

So harga keseluruhan untuk our dapur jer sudah mencecah sbyk RM11,400 huwaaa nangisssss tut
Mak aih serius tak perasan mahal bebenor...duit mengalir cam air..

Kalau nak tgk KC nih adelah sket persamaan dgn design yg Mr.hubby buat

 Aku dgn Mr.Hubby mmg sgt berminat dgn earth colour ni org kata warna2 selamat.
Tak kisahlah yg penting citarasa memasing kan
Tepuk ati tanya poket hehe
Mood tak sabar nak duduk umah kat PS2 dh ni
Ari sabtu bebaru ni try tido terbedik2 mata aku..takleh tido..takpelah pelan2 kan
Eh tak masuk lagi umah baru..ambik mood je baru tu pon tido atas karpet..
t..t sakit belakang adoii membawak sampai ke arini
Tunggu katil 'RAJA' kami sampai barulah secara rasminya kami nak duduk sana..
Haha poyos tak abis2..

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Long Service Award (10 years)

Salam penuh kasih sayang korang...sajer jer meninjau blog ni..lama tak berciter (ader utang pasal bajet masuk umah) tapi nanti2 lah kasi bernapas sket dulu huhu.Terkejar sana dan sinun menyusun kehidupan..Nanti aku kasik compile info yang bersesuaian mengenai bajet masuk umah (gulppp macam terer, berkongsi tak salahkan) mana yg ok korang leh amik ..mana yg merapu meraban ignore jerlah...
Amboiii biler jari mengetak keyboard ni (ader ker perkataan ni) raser laju jer nak bercerita haha.

Ok berbalik kepada tajuk...Alhamdulillah taun ni aku telah bekerja almost 10 years plus (paling lama ceh mcm byk plak tukar tmpt kerja) Secara jujurnya this is my second working place (jarak opis yg sebelum dgn yg ni sepelaung jer haha).Lps praktikal kat Telekom, aku keja kat semi-gov comp (2 tahun) and skrg aku keja dengan company yg berasaskan teknologi.Terlalu byk up and down, nangis, suka duka (masa taip ni sebak sgt aku raserkan) Terima kasih Ya Allah kau permudahkan segalanya.In my team aku aderlah salah seorang senior staff yg masih bertahan (hmm).Ptg tadi received this from HR.Perasaan aku berbunga2 dan rasa sangat terharu dan raser dihargai.Alhamdulillah.Moga ada sinar yg cerah selepas ini.Amin

(Email from HR office)


You will be receiving Long Service Award of 10 or 15 years of service during this year annual dinner.

Those who are attending this dinner, are required to be on standby at around 8.40pm nearby the stage.  You will be requested to go up the stage to receive the certificate presented by the management & also for photo session.  However, the award (gold pendant) can only be collected starting next Monday, 
24/3/14 at HR office. 

* Senyum tak perlu kata apa2..rezeki Allah nak bagi dalam pelbagai cara...cryyyyyyyy... 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Winning Entry : Expatriate Lifestyle - Clarins Starter Kit

Alhamdulillah masih ader rezeki kecil2 walaupon join pon skali-skala jadilah kan saper nak bagi yer tak.Mungkin pembuka rezeki lain yg lebih besar...amin..
Tqvm Expatriate Lifestyle and Clarins (raser ni kali kedua aku dpt barangan Clarins first time join contest slogan kat Oh Bulan)
Aku dpt notification from email it's worth of RM465 (adoyaii mahal bebenor)..kalau suh aku beli sendiri mmg tak mampulah huhu..

Note : Ader rezeki yg lebih manis sdg menunggu kami...ari isnin ni nak g collect kunci umah at PS2...lps bermcm benda gone through akhirnya impian akan berubah menjadi realiti..
"No pain, no gain" ecewahhhh

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Delivery of Vacant Possession - PS2

Letter of Vacant Possession (sila telengkan kepala anda hehe)

Alhamdulillah , Allahuakbar terkedu aku semalam, rezeki yg Allah berikan kepada keluarga kami dengan pelbagai cara..amin.
Akhirnya dari sekadar mimpi kini Inshaa Allah hampir menjadi realiti.Semalam dpt surat Delivery of vacant possession dan CF (sijil layak menduduki)..umah di PS2
Nampak tak tarikh aku sign SNP adalah pada 14 Mar 2013 (that's mean it is a very fast house progress) (normally umah teres mengambil masa 24 bulan atau lebih untuk disiapkan).
Sepatutnya rumah dijangkan siap dan diserahkan pada kami by end of this year.
Mengikut surat due date mengambil kunci adalah dua minggu bermula dari tarikh yg tertera di dalam surat yg diterima.Ya perancangan Allah itu aderlah yg terbaik..sebagai hambanya bersyukurlah atas segala nikmat ini...
Secara jujurnya aku mmg nk masuk umah ni awal hehe..yelah memudahkan segala urusan..
Kata Mr.Hubby amboii skrg awak plak yg excited yer..yelah aset mcm rumah ni bukanlah selalu kita dpt belikan.Dapat yg ni pon dah banyak syukur Alhamdulillah.
Ooo untuk info, kalau nak ambik kunci ni pon kena cek bank dulu dah release all payment ke blom.Pastu barulah kita boleh ambik kunci dari pemaju...(mode : tak sabar...nk dok umah sendiri...weehoo)
Ok nnt next entry aku share bajet nak masuk umah k..mana tau boleh jugak dijadikan sebagai panduan...(ini sekadar info peribadi...)

Meh kita share :
Menurut buku rawatan Islam yg disusun oleh Dato' Dr Harun Din, cara untuk memasuki rumah baharu ialah seperti berikut :

1) Baca Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

2) Tepuk daun pintu 3 kali

3) Beri salam sebelum masuk ke dalam rumah.

4) Jika tiada reaksi dengan apa-apa bunyi (sama ada cicak dan seumpamanya) maka rumah itu belum ada berpenghuni. Rumah tersebut selamat didiami untuk anda sekeluarga.

5) Sekiranya semasa/selepas beri salam terdengar bunyi cicak,itu bermakana rumah tersebut telah ada penghuni yang anda tidak nampak.Sebagai jalan penyelesaiannya anda kena buka pintu depan dan belakang sewaktu hampir maghrib dan azanlah tiga (3) petang di ruang tengah rumah.Habis azan tutup kedua-dua pintu,lakukan selama 3 petang semasa maghrib.
(huhu gigih aku menaip)

Nota kaki : Untuk rekod umah kami yg kat Cheras tu pon in progress (last stage)..amin..semoga dipermudahkan segalanya.

Perkara2 yang kita kena ambil peduli bila beli umah baru (sharing online info) :

CPC = Certificate of Practical Completion
is issued by the architect (Superintendant Officer (SO)) to the main contractor when the architect is satisfy with all the physical works being completed in the building.
for some development, CPC might includes getting all the supporting documents from all relevant authority for the application of CF (Certificate of Fitness) such as bomba, tnb, syabas, TM, local council (forgotten how many departments in total), JPS (road and drainage), IWK (sewerage) and a few more.

upon CPC, the main contractor will be able to claim for the release of 1st moeity - the 2.5% of the 5% retention sum

VP = Vacant Possesion

is issued by the SO to the project (developer) when all the conditions of CPC have been satisfied.
upon VP, all the infra and amenities have to be ready for connection but not necessarly the meter is physically there (eg TNB meter, syabas water meter)
Developer can hand over key to purchaser and thus start the countdown of defect liabilities period and LAD date is the VP date.
VP is issued upon submission of Borang E to the local authorities to obtain Certificate of Fitness (CF) with all the supporting documents from all the relevant authorities as mentioned above in CPC.
upon VP, developer will claim for the 12.5% from you/your bank.
NO, you cannot do any renovation to your units yet!

CF = Certificate of Fitness
Upon submission of Borang E, the local authority will have to reply within 14 days whether to accept or reject the application of CF.
Among the conditions required is, all relevant parties recommendation letter (surat sokongan) again, refer to CPC, and also their own (local authorities) various dept inspection, namely Building Dept, Planning Dept, Road & drainage, landscaping, streetlighting, safety & health, etc etc.
all depts have to approve b4 u get ur CF!
in the event any of the depts do not issue surat sokongan to the said development, the local authority will reject the application within that 14 days and the developer have to go thru the whole process again from submitting a fresh copy of Borang E.
(this is usually the part where the developer always have problem of obtaining CF)

CMGD = certificate of making good practise
is issued by the SO after they're satisfied with the making good of defects once the defect liability period expired.
contractor get their 2.5% 2nd moeity upon issuance of CMGD
you or the bank also have to pay 2.5% to the developer.

CCC = Certificate of Completion and Compliance

Sumber : (tqvm)